Bark and bark like thunder

My new house is more out in the country than the last place. We can see the road from our pen, but there's not much traffic. When there is, we bark. Cars mostly don't need to be barked at. Noisy trucks need to be barked at. Bicycles and equestrians need to be barked at. People running or walking past -- bark 'em. Motorcyles -- bark 'em good.

Besides stuff on the road, there are deer. Deer are great to bark at, but it's getting harder to scare them. They think we can't get out, so sometimes they just stare at us. Then I bark and jump up and down, run the length of the deck, just generally act like a lunatic. It doesn't always impress them, but it's fun.

We went on a long trip. Days and days in the truck. I thought I was going to DIE of boredom. But on the third day I invented a new game. The game is Bark at Trucks. I stand in the back of our truck and watch for other trucks, the big ones. When we pass them or, even better, they pass us, I bark. I jump up and down, bark, bristle, the works. It's big fun. Nikki helps, but I don't think she quite understands the rules yet.

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Anne Powell 11/22/00